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House Displays- Palm Sunday or Easter walk around the village


Abberley at Easter – hope for the future

easter picture

12 months on from the first lockdown, coinciding with Easter, people in Abberley have marked the event and are looking forward to the future.


Displays are in windows and front gardens, at the shop, on the village sign on the main road and there are ribbons of reflection on the school railings.

abberley plan

Why not enjoy a Palm Sunday or Easter walk around the village to take in the displays, we hope they will stay up until 11 April.


If this is something you would like to join in with, please let us know and we can add you to the list. 


Abberley Park
Westlyn Old Farm
The Common
Abberley WI and Abberley Village Shop
Holly Cottage
59 The Common
50 Churchfield Terrace
51 Churchfield Terrace
The Firs
Abberley Village School, ribbons of reflection
The Village
The Old Village Stores
36 The Village
The Old Stables
Pax Cottage
The Hill
Rosehill House
Suffolk Lane
3 The Beehive
Jacob’s Well
Abberley Care Farm
Bank Lane
Worsley Farm House
Main road
Abberley Lodge
Abberley road sign