informal public meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 7.30pm in Abberley Village Hall re ‘’Planning Application 21/01267/FUL The Orchard Site”
‘’Planning Application 21/01267/FUL The Orchard Site” has been submitted to MHDC – the full application can be viewed on the MHDC website.
All public comments should be sent by 3rd September 2021.
The Parish Council, as the statutory body, will respond after the next Parish Council meeting on 15th September 2021.
In order to better inform that response and garner the views of Parishioners an informal public meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 7.30pm in Abberley Village Hall.
Paul Cumming, District Councillor will be attending to answer any questions regarding the development and the planning process.
Your attendance would be welcome, however if you are unable to attend please submit any query or comment you might have to ’’ at least 3 days before hand.’’