South Worcestershire Development Plan Review – Suggested comments for SWDP Consultation Review
South Worcestershire Development Plan Review – Preferred Options Paper public consultation from Monday 4th November to Monday 16th December 2019 and a revised version of the Local Development Framework.
The South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) (Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District) have commenced a review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP). The SWDP was adopted in February 2016 and the SWCs are required, by the 2017 Regulations to complete a review every five years. The SWDP Review will cover the period to 2041.
The SWDP Review will allocate further land for houses, jobs and retail. It will also set out planning policies for making decisions on new development proposals up to the year 2041.
This ‘Preferred Options’ consultation follows last year’s Issues and Options consultation document and it sets out the Councils’ draft policies and identifies the sites which the three Councils think should be developed for housing, employment and mixed uses. We want your views on the preferred options.
Abberley Parish Council has researched and offer the following information to residents who wish to make comment on the SWDP Consultation Review.
Land East of Clows Top Road CFS0601s
– Comments on its Inclusion in the SWDPR
– Marring of unique and beautiful landscape due to the positioning of the site – the amenity of the visual aspect of the landscape is considered to be very important both in the current SWDP and the Review. SWDP6 B ii; SWDPR29 Para 14.64;
– The Worcestershire Way runs through Abberley and has several access points. Start point for many is the Village Hall Carpark;
– The site would be viewed from several paths that crisscross Abberley – 521(B); 518(B); 517(B); 516 (B); 522(B);
– Beginning of the destruction the historical aspect of the Landscape;
– Character of Abberley Common further diminished by another estate type development SWDP 21;
– Too close to the Conservation Area ( The Village), Listed Building ( Tump House) and TPO(Tree Protection Order – willow at Tump House;
– Number of houses 18 is only indicative ie approximate and could be increased to 30;
– Precedent would be set for further building on this site;
– Abberley Parish has fulfilled MHDC requirement for housing until 2041 let alone 2031. ( MHDC base figures on Abberley Parish as a whole. We believe does not take into account that ALL development occurs on Abberley Common.) The village is a Conservation area so not available for any development other than infill. (Three sites for development are included in the current plan, totalling an indicative number of 35. Planning permission now means that that number is now 57 in actuality. Windfall and permission on smaller sites brings that to 63. An extra 18 houses would be totally disproportionate;
– The effect on wrapping these houses around the Village Hall would be disastrous. A large part of its income is derived from events that take advantage of its fabulous setting. The Caravan Club specifically hires the Hall for this reason;
– The Primary School will reach capacity at around 120 after the next classroom is built and there is no room for further expansion;
– Negative effect on the pre school and outside play areas;
– Infrastructure to support extra housing not in place – traffic congestion. NB Particularly at A443 and A4133;
– Access to site problematical on both roads – the road is already being altered to accommodate the Walshes Farm development;
– Riders, walkers, cyclists and children use the minor road leading to The Village with great frequency – safety compromised;
– Overstretching of resources particularly in respect of the Doctor’s Surgery;
– Flooding on Suffolk Lane by Jacob’s Well exacerbated by run off from the field where the potential development is sited;
Representations can be made in the following ways:
• On-line: by following the links from
• By Email:
• By Post: South Worcestershire Development Plan, Wychavon Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 1PT
All comments need to be submitted by 5pm on Monday 16th December 2019.
Revised Local Development Schemes
Each of the SWCs has also adopted revised Local Development Schemes. These documents set out the schedule of planning policy work for the next three years. The Local Development Schemes for each council can be viewed at
If you have any queries you can contact us by phone 01386 565000 or email .">.