A Message from the Parish Council

A Message from the Parish Council

As a result of the ever-changing situation we need to be alert to new advice coming from Government. There are now stringent rules in place for SELF-ISOLATION and for SOCIAL DISTANCING. Unless absolutely necessary, apart from daily exercise, essential food shopping and care of the more vulnerable etc we should all be at home.

During the Coronavirus outbreak we hope to support each other as a community bearing in mind, ALWAYS, the advice from Government about self-isolation and social distancing. We can all play our part in hastening this disease on its way by adhering to these rules.

There are also many groups in Abberley who may be able to answer to your own particular needs.

If there are any organisations who have formed any social media groups that people may join then please let Carole Hirst, our Parish Clerk, know "> and she will be able to upload that information to the Parish website and also to our own Facebook page.

It may be becoming more difficult for some Parishioners to easily access the services they need. And for that reason we have asked for volunteers to provide some assistance where able.

It is extremely important that both volunteer and parishioner observe all the guidelines about social distancing when performing any service and that each is comfortable with what is being asked of them.

Please don’t hesitate to call any of the following people if you are having difficulty in picking up prescriptions, need some essential food and supplies, or simply just to hear a friendly voice on the end of a phone.


Paddy Levack – 07808 947314

Anne Cheston – 07909 830026

Iain Sharpe – 07722 953635

Sarah Unsworth – 01299 890216 / 07808 947314

Sarah Crabbe – 07989 982244

Nick Crabbe – 07970 104499

Andrew Cotterill – 07939 032497

Wendy Congrave 01299 896080 / 07929 613536

Tracy Ballard – 07970 661541

Stephanie Cope – 07966366505

Dave and Gill Bell – 01299 896568

Tony Chance – 07778 121611

W.I.                      Lynne Whitaker (01299- 896094) and Wendy Congrave (01299- 896080)

All are Abberley residents and are known to members of the Parish Council.

Samantha, in the Village Shop – 01299 896000, can take any orders over the phone and will deliver.

All information regarding the Coronavirus is uploaded to the Parish website as soon as it is received.

This is in the form of links and downloadable sheets which will take you to the relevant website and the topics range from the latest government directives to how you can occupy yourselves at home.

The best thing we can do at the moment is be that good neighbour and not assume that someone else is fulfilling that role.

All keep safe and well,

Catherine Knight – Chair – Abberley Parish Council 01299 896093