Information from Abberley Village Stores.

Current Opening times;


Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm

Saturday 9am – 4pm

Sunday 10am – 12pm

Post office hours as normal.

Abberley General Stores is still open during the Covid-19 pandemic.

I’m sure that most people are aware by now that we’re still open but I just wanted to clarify the current arrangements given the situation so you can best prepare yourself before you come in or in case you or loved ones need to use our delivery or collection service.

We have had in place for a few weeks now, a two in two out policy. This is to keep our customers and staff as safe as possible when shopping and working in store. We have quite a big floor space for a village shop so we feel we are all able to keep at least 2 metres away from each other at all times. For this reason it is preferred that you take ‘two in two out’ to mean two people shopping in store at any one time but if you need to shop with another member of the household because you can’t leave them in the car or at home then we will allow more than one person per household but please take extra care to keep your distance from other shoppers and be prepared to wait longer so we can let just your household in at once if myself or any member of staff feel this cannot be achieved.

If you would prefer to shop in-store alone, we are happy to accommodate this but please be aware that you may have to wait a little longer so that we can get the queue down first. If you ring the doorbell at the front of the shop then we will attend to you outside and you can explain this to us.

We occasionally have extra help to stock shelves or collect deliveries for us. These people are often volunteers but they are aware that they need to keep their distance from you and during these times we may feel it necessary to reduce the number of customers in at any one time or to lock the door altogether and serve you from outside, just whilst a safe distance is not achievable inside, this isn’t often very long.

Whilst waiting outside please remember to keep away from each other, many a time when I bring the chairs in from outside people have moved them right next to one another so they can have a good chat. The 2 metre advice is still relevant when out in the fresh air so please be careful and allow people to leave the store without being crowded.

Deliveries and collections;
We are operating a delivery and collection service for anyone who feels they need or want it. There are no ‘vulnerable’ criteria, we feel you are the best judge of your own safety and that of others.

Deliveries – This are made on Mondays and Thursdays.
To order to be delivered to on a Monday please order by Saturday 4pm at the latest.

To order to be delivered to on a Thursday please order by Tuesday 4pm at the latest.

This gives us time to order bread and fruit and veg etc fresh ready for your delivery.

We can put orders up for you and these can be collected from shelving outside by the back kitchen double doors in the car park.
We prefer to keep the bulk of collections to Wednesdays and Fridays so we can organise staff around these busier periods, however, if you need to collect outside of these days please call us and we’ll try and help.

To place orders for delivery or collection please leave your orders on the answerphone on number 01299 896 620. We realise that you may not know what we have in stock / generally sell, especially if you are a new customer, but leave what you would ideally like on the answerphone and we will try and get items in even if we do not normally stock them or we will call you back with alternatives where available (if you have left a phone number). Please note, we can not call everyone back to confirm we have received their order but do not worry if you don’t hear from us until the day of your delivery or collection. We will get to you, do not worry, you will not be forgotten or missed. We realise it’s frightening stuck at home not knowing how you’re going to get supplies but we will be there. We often work late into the night and start early in the morning to get everything ready so just because the shop opening hours may have passed doesn’t mean you aren’t still in the system and we will get to you. If you are really concerned then you can always call us to speak to us in person using the 01299 896 000 number.

If you have symptoms;
Please do not enter the store. We understand that whilst people are told to self-isolate they can-not always get supplies delivered to them from supermarkets because of delivery wait times etc. If you ring the door bell on the front door I will come out and attend to you or we will happily put up collections or deliver to you if you phone in. We realise that symptoms do not always comply with delivery or collection days so please just call us on the 01299896000 number and explain and we will be happy to prioritise you so that you can keep yourself and others save by staying home. We have many vulnerable people shopping with us who we all need to try and keep safe and we ourselves are trying our best to keep our vulnerable loved ones at home safe by not bringing anything home. We can only achieve this by following these rules and we have delivered to many a family who have been self-isolating with symptoms, doing their bit to keep us all safe.

If the staff unknowingly contract this virus we like so many other key workers have the potential to spread it to others, this is why we wear masks and gloves all day, however uncomfortable and we serve you from behind the glass. If any staff develop any symptoms they will leave immediately and if we are not able to continue safely, in all likelihood we will probably have to close at least for a while. This would be a great shame as we have been able to reach so many people in these last few weeks and prevent them from having to leave their homes at all whilst still providing someone for them to talk to.

All of our staff at home or still working have had to make great sacrifices to keep the shop open. From those who have to stay home when they want to be in helping and working to those of us who just have to just wave to our parents through windows and keep to our rooms so we can try and keep everyone safe. Please respect this and do not enter with symptoms.

Lastly I’d like to say a massive thank you to our volunteers who, without them, we wouldn’t have been able to get to so many people or keep as stocked as we have. They have been our own little lifesavers and they are very much appreciated.

Also to our local suppliers, a massive thank you. We have been able to keep goods on the shelves that you may not have seen in the supermarket for some time. This is because our little local, often family run suppliers – who you have supported all year round by supporting us, have really come through for us all.
Mawley Town Farm – run by the Robinson family and their team have been absolutely amazing in keeping supply coming. Whilst Wiseman’s a national company, has reduced us to three days a week from six and who before this crisis began threatened to stop supply altogether despite driving past the door daily.
Also to Ashley’s Bakery – run by husband and wife team Estelle and Ashley, have been amazing. Never missing a delivery despite them both being out of action for sometime. Whereas Warburton’s a national supplier momentarily decided to stop supply altogether to us for at least two weeks at the start of the crisis but have since had a change of heart with intermittent supply going forward.

So many of our other suppliers too;
J Walsh – Tenbury Wells – paracetamol.
Cecil Hill – Hartlebury – Bread flour, yeast, pasta, chopped tomatoes.
Sue Coley – Abberley – reminding us all to keep calm and eat more cake.
Wenlock Edge
Wyre Pie – Far Forest,
Legges – Bromyard
Springfield free range chickens – Leominster
Our Meat suppliers from all over Worcestershire,
Hillhampton Honey,
Mill Orchard – Great Witley,
The breweries keeping us all sane whilst the pubs are shut – Cleobury, Wye Valley, Bewdley, Swan, Westons.
Bewdley Farm Shop,
They all deserve a mention for their tireless hard work.

Looking forwards to Drew’s tomatoes soon and Strawberries and Raspberries from Little Witley.


Abberley Village Stores