that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council following the resignation on 1st July 2024 of Councillor Sarah Outwin

If by 19th July 2024 a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors for Abberley Parish then an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 23rd September 2024 (within 60 days)

Dated: 1st July 2024

Clerk to the Parish Council:

Carole Hirst


Returning Officer:

Andy Baldwin

The Council House

Avenue Road


WR14 3AF



Parish of Abberley



that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council following the resignation on 23rd June 2024 of Councillor Trevor Nott


If by 12th July 2024 a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors** for Abberley Parish then an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.


If an election is called, it will take place not later than 16th September 2024 (within 60 days)


Dated: 23rd June 2024


Clerk to the Parish Council:

Carole Hirst

Returning Officer:

Andy Baldwin

The Council House

Avenue Road


WR14 3AF


Update to Speed Limit Order – Malvern Hills District – Various Roads, Abberley

Sent on behalf of the Head of Traffic Management for Worcestershire County Council with regard to the above matter.

Following a review, it has been decided to update some speed limit orders to generally assist enforcement and to remove redundant schedules.

The proposed order will not change the existing speed limits, as is apparent on the ground, and as shown on the attached drawing.

Any related orders will be revoked/amended as appropriate.

If you have any comments on this matter please submit these to me in writing by 21/06/2024.

Yours Faithfully

Julian Tipton
Senior Traffic Management Engineer
Traffic Management
Worcestershire County Council
County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP

updatedc speed limits order

WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended) (Various Bridleways, Astley, Dunley and Abberley)(Temporary Closure) Order 2016



Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended)

(Various Bridleways, Astley, Dunley and Abberley)(Temporary Closure) Order 2016

NOTICE is hereby given that the Order made by Worcestershire County Council on          19 May 2016 the effect of which is to close that part of Various Bridleways, Astley, Dunley and Abberley as follows:

No horse shall be ridden or led and no cyclist shall proceed along the entire length of Astley and Dunley Bridleway AD-553, Abberley Bridleways AY-574, AY-573, AY-572, AY-571 and AY-570 from Netherton Road at OSGR SO 7783 6936 to Netherton Road at Netherton House, OSGR SO 7648 6878.

No person shall proceed along the lengths of Astley and Dunley AD-553 and Abberley Bridleway AY-574 from Netherton Road at OSGR SO 7783 6936 to the junction with Rock Footpath RF 833 at OSGR SO 7746 6907.

There will also be no public access to the track to Birch Hall from Netherton Road at OSGR SO 7782 6936 to where Abberley Bridleway AY-547 crosses the access track at OSGR SO 7768 6918 which was due to expire on 1 June 2024 has been continued in force with the approval of the Secretary of State for the Department Transport until the works to which it relates have been completed or until 1 June 2025 whichever is sooner.  Any further extension will require the approval of the Secretary of State.

The Order has been made to facilitate bridge repairs works.

Alternative route:

(a) Cyclists and horse-riders are via C2071 Netherton Road and vice versa.

(b) Walkers are via C2071 Netherton Road and Rock Footpath RF-833 and vice versa.

Thomas Pollock Head of Commercial Law (Legal and Governance) County Hall Spetchley Road


31 May 2024

footpaths closure 20th May 2024


Join the Malvern Hills District Adopt a Street scheme and make a difference to your community.

Do you love where you live and would like to help keep it looking clean and tidy?

Then join the Malvern Hills District Adopt a Street scheme and make a difference to your community.

All you have to do is sign the online pledge which includes:

  • Telling us which area of land you would like to adopt (public land only unless you have permission from the landowner)
  • A promise from you to litter pick your chosen site at least four times a year on dates of your choosing and at your convenience

The area you choose to litter pick can be as small or as large as you like.

You can use your black bin at home for disposing of any litter you collect but if you find the volume you are collecting is an issue then please contact  and someone will assist you.

In return for your commitment we will loan you:

  • Litter picking equipment and bags
  • Guidance on health and safety
  • Send regular newsletters about the Adopt-a-Street scheme

We will still be carrying out our litter picking and street cleansing duties as well as a range of other activities to encourage people to dispose of their litter responsibly. Together we can help keep Malvern Hills District clean and tidy.

Subscribe for Parish Council updates

Parishioners can use the form linked below to sign up to receive an email containing any news items added to the website over the last 7 days. Once you have subscribed and confirmed your subscription you can expect to receive an email on Friday evening at 7pm.


You can unsubscribe at any time.

Subscribe for updates – Abberley Parish Council


Climate Change Update

Climate Change Update

Thank you to those people who attended out Climate Change Update Evening in February. We had some new faces to welcome to the village too. For those who couldn’t make it here is a brief summary.

Tenbury Transport Trust introduced the volunteer scheme run by volunteers which includes regular minibus routes but also bookable lifts for those in need of door to door assistance for appointments. Some social groups book the minibus service for special trips.

Tenbury Transport Trust is also looking for volunteers who are based in Abberley who can offer some time to help as drivers, using your own car. This is allowed in the scheme following CRB or DBS checks and informing your insurer. Fuel expenses are paid. This is offering a vital service to those who need direct transport so do consider if you’d like to help.

Climate Matters

We reviewed the current grant offering from the government on renewable energy technology called the Boiler Upgrade Scheme or BUS. We discussed the best order to approach reducing your household carbon footprint.

If you are not ready to progress replacing your oil or LPG boiler then start with Loft insulation. Make sure that the installer does not affect your roof ventilation! This is affordable and reduces heat loss as 25% of the heat typically escapes through your roof. Think minimum 300mm or 12 inches and more if possible.

Adjust controls on your boiler flow temperature and turn down your thermostat or radiator valves.

Ready for a HEAT PUMP then the £7,500 grant is deducted from your quote.

Contact MCS accredited installers for heat pump quotes. You can save between 3.5 to 5.5 tonnes of carbon emissions per year depending on how much fuel you use!

Seek advice from installers if you think your house is not eligible as exemption certificates are possible. You need loft and cavity insulation if this applies to your house design and a valid EPC with no outstanding recommendations. You can still have solid walls and apply.

Some asked about noise– new designs are quieter and about the same as a washing machine or similar to the exhaust noise on your boiler. Ask a friend to go and stand in their garden and listen to one. They will not be running much in the summer when you are sitting outside. Oil and gas boilers will eventually not be an option. Or you can install a biomass boiler or Ground Source Heat Pump but these options are more expensive.

You can still save VAT on PV panels to generate your own electricity, around 4,000-6,000 kWh/year depending on roof size saving £1,200 to £1,800/year if you use it all. You will export around 40% if you don’t have a battery or car connected.

If your car is due for replacement or you are driving enough to justify the investment, around 8000 miles/year then look at EV cars- there are now second hand vehicles with good range too. They are cheaper to run with no road tax and reduce emissions by at least 70%.

A diesel car running 8,000 miles will emit around 2.7 tCO2 compared with 600-700 kgCO2 for an EV using grid electricity.

The key thing is to pick something and find out more.

Talk to others and share your experience.

Make sure you seek more than one proposal and use MCS accredited companies as this provides a minimum standard and access to the grants.

We shared an interesting graph on heat pumps installed across Europe which showed we are the worst with the lowest number of installations per 1000 households. So plenty of catching up to do……

Abberley Parish Council cannot recommend installers or give specific advice.

WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (C2230 The Common, Abberley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024



Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

(C2230 The Common, Abberley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2024

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MAP The Common Abberley – Road closure diversion

Order made: to close that part of C2230 The Common from its junction with B4202 Apostles Oak to its junction with A443 The Common. Abberley to Wynniatts Way.

Reason: Drainage/flood alleviation by Eden Homes.

Exemptions: to permit access to any land or premises fronting the highway affected where there is no other form of access; and to allow the works to be undertaken.

Alternative route: A443 The Common, Abberley to Wynniatts Way, B4202 Apostles Oak
and vice versa

Maximum duration: 18 MonthsAnticipated duration: 19 days (24hrs) Commencing: 12 February 2024

Thomas Pollock Head of Commercial Law (Legal & Governance) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester

8 February 2024

‘The Parish Council are enormously pleased to announce that, as a village, we are now the proud owners of circa 11 acres of land which we hope will be enjoyed by all. 

The Parish Council are enormously pleased to announce that, as a village, we are now the proud owners of circa 11 acres of land which we hope will be enjoyed by all. 

We were able to purchase the land by utilising section 106 money which was provided to the Parish following the recent housing developments. Section 106 has many conditions about how the money can be applied for and spent. In our case, as Abberley Parish Council did not have ownership of any land the money was to be spent on acquiring some public open space for the Parish. Fortuitously, some land came up for sale in an idyllic setting and we started our process.

The land is situated centrally, connecting both sides of the village. There is already a footpath, well used, which goes through the land; you gain access through a grass passageway opposite Churchfield Terrace. The initial, large field is what we now collectively own. 

For the next 12 months, we intend to turn the field into a grass meadow to see how the Parish utilises the space before making any longer-term plans.

We will post updates on progress as and when it happens. 

Of course, we need to christen our newly acquired plot and we would welcome any name suggestions to be emailed to me: 

Abberley Parish Council are hosting a Climate Change Evening Tuesday 20th February 2024 from 7.30pm at Abberley Village Hall

Save the date!

  • Share ideas and experience on energy savings

  • Discuss community transport, dark skies and biodiversity

  • Meet neighbours

  • Learn about latest grants and technology

  • Update on heat pumps and the Boiler Upgrade Scheme

  • How to reduce your carbon footprint

  • Bring your questions!

  • Tea and biscuits provided