Abberley Neighbourhood Development Plan “Next Steps”

Following on from the very successful Consultation Event on Friday 28th June, Abberley Neighbourhood Development Working Group announce “Next Steps” for their Neighbourhood Development Plan.

CLICK HERE FOR Abberley Neighbourhood Development Plan “Next Steps”


Drop in Consultation Evening for Abberley Neighbourhood Plan on Friday 28th June 2019 at Abberley Village Hall 7pm to 9pm.

Abberley Public Meeting 28th May at Abberley Village Hall at 7.30pm

Abberley Parish Public Meeting

A Meeting of the Parish of Abberley
is convened by Parish Clerk, Carole Hirst
At Abberley Village Hall, Clows Top Road
The Committee Room
On Tuesday 28th May 2019 at 7.30pm

District Councillor Paul Cumming will attend to discuss the “Reserved Matters”.

To discuss “Reserved Matters”Planning at
19/00674/RM- The Common, Abberley- Residential development of 25 dwellings, including 10 affordable units


19/00451/RM- Clows Top Road, Abberley- for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following a grant of planning permission 16/00816/OUT for the erection of 26 dwellings and access.


CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Abberley Public Meeting Poster

Notice of Election – 2nd May 2019

Notice of Election – Parish and Town Council – Malvern Hills District

Public Space Protection Order

The majority of dog walkers are responsible and do pick up after their pets, however, a small number of people choose to ignore the rules. The Public Space Protection Order means that irresponsible dog owners risk a £100 fixed penalty notice (FPN) and potential prosecution.

Report online

Or contact

Telephone 01684 862151 The PSPO covers:

Failure to pick up your dog’s poo.

Failure to carry a poop bag or other means to clean up after your dog.

Failure to keep your dog out of fenced off or enclosed children’s playgrounds.

The majority of dog walkers are responsible and do pick up after their pets, however, a small number of people choose to ignore the rules. The Public Space Protection Order means that irresponsible dog owners risk a £100 fixed penalty notice (FPN) and potential prosecution.

Read the PSPO in full online at

What is Environmental Crime

What is Environmental crime? Malvern Hills District Council can issue fixed penalty notices for a range of offences including; littering, fly-tipping, abandoned vehicles & dog fouling. These are all examples of environmental crime affecting all areas of the country. These types of anti-social behaviour affect us all. They drag down the quality of life we should all expect to be able to enjoy; quality is reduced every time you walk past litter, drive past a pile of flytipped rubbish or accidentally tread in dog poo. A fixed penalty notice is a fine issued by the council to an individual or business for a range of offenses as an alternative to prosecution. If a FPN is paid no further action will be taken. Failure to provide your name and address or to give false contact details is a further offence for which an additional fine of £1,000 maybe imposed upon conviction.

Who to contact Malvern Hills District Council You can report all types of environmental crime here and apply and pay for things online 01684 862151 For general enquiries about environmental crime please contact the Street Scene Team West Mercia Police Emergency 999 or 101 (national police non-emergency number) Neighbourhood Watch CrimeStoppers An independent charity working to help solve crimes. Give information about crime anonymously 0800 555 111

Hedgerows- Urban and Rural (ADVICE)

Hedgerows – Urban and Rural

High hedges

In 2003 the Government introduced new legislation to enable councils to solve long running hedge disputes where neighbours cannot agree upon a solution.

The new legislation is much needed by those people whose lives are being seriously affected by high evergreen hedges.

A high hedge is defined in the legislation as a line of two or more evergreen trees or shrubs, which have grown to a height of over two metres (six feet and six inches) above ground level.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no legally fixed height at which an evergreen hedge should be maintained.

A hedge “action height” is only decided upon after the council has made a full assessment of each particular situation and the issues involved.

To see if the council can help you with your hedge problem please have a look at the list in section 4 of the Government guidance “High Hedges: Complaining to the council”.

High hedge problems in the Malvern Hills district are dealt with by the Landscape Officer, part of the Conservation Department of Malvern Hills District Council.

The district council will not accept a formal complaint unless you can demonstrate that you have already made every effort to resolve the problem with your neighbour.

If the council are to take on the complaint you will also have to pay a fee (£330) and fill in a complaint form.

For a more information on high hedge issues please try the following links:

For help with dispute resolution you might like to try:

Rural hedgerows

Since 1st June 1997 it has been against the law to remove most countryside hedgerows without notifying the Local Planning Authority (MHDC).

Removal does not just include grubbing up but other actions that result in the hedgerow being destroyed.

Coppicing, layering and the removal of dead or diseased shrubs or trees are treated as normal management.

Further guidance on protected hedgerows and hedgerow removal may be found in the Department of the Environment Farming and Rural Affairs leaflet, The Hedgerow Regulations; Your Questions Answered.

Prior to the removal of a hedgerow a Hedgerow Removal Notice must be submitted to the council for consideration.

The council has 6 weeks in which to let you know whether the hedgerow is to be retained.

First of all a decision must be made upon whether the hedgerow is important, then, the reasons for removal are considered.

There is however a strong presumption that important hedgerows will be protected.

If the hedge is to be retained a Hedgerow Retention Notice is served.

If you do not hear within 6 weeks of the council receiving your Hedgerow Removal Notice you can remove the hedgerow, unless you have agreed a longer timescale.

Removal of a hedgerow without permission is a criminal offence and you could face a fine in either the Magistrates’ or Crown Court.

Guidance notes are available for the completion of a Hedgerow Removal Notice.

Hedgerow management

Natural England has published a useful document entitled Hedge Cutting: Answers to 18 Common Questions, that provides guidance to farmers and other land managers about how often to cut hedges.

It will also help improve the wider rural community’s understanding of hedge management.

They also produce a companion leaflet to this entitled Hedgerow Trees: Answers to 18 Common Questions, that should help land managers to make decisions about how to encourage and look after hedgerow trees.

In particular it offers advice on how to plant and look after young trees, so there are younger generations to take over from the old veterans that currently grace our countryside.


Hedge cutting answers to 18 common questions: See link below.

Hedgerow Trees answers to 18 common questions: See link below.