Reporting speeding issues within Abberley Parish to Operation Snap

CLICK HERE TO CHECKOUT Operation Snap | West Mercia Police

As part of Operation Snap, members of the public can report and submit digital footage showing potential traffic offences via a secure online form.

Submit footage

This can range from driving dangerously or carelessly to overtaking on solid white lines, using a mobile phone while driving, ignoring traffic lights or dangerous driving around other road users, such as horse riders and cyclists.

Please note; issues with number plates, windscreens and minor traffic offences are unable to be dealt with via Op Snap and general parking complaints should be raised with the relevant local authority. Notification of untaxed vehicles can be reported directly to DVLA, reports of no MOT or no insurance should be logged to 101, not via the Op Snap portal.

Your submission will be sent to West Mercia Police where the evidence will be reviewed by one of our road traffic police officers.

One statement is required for each submission/offending vehicle. We are unable to process multiple offences sent as one submission.

West Mercia Police will strive to update each submitter regarding the outcome of their allegation. All submissions are dealt with pro-actively to help reduce risk taking and poor driving on our counties roads.

Any footage submitted through the portal can be used by us to help educate other road users and to advise on case results.

Please note – if you operate a recording device in a public place, you may have obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is in your interest to familiarise yourself, and comply with, any such obligations as apply to you. If you are in any doubt as to your obligations, please obtain independent legal advice to ensure you do not put yourself at risk of prosecution. By submitting footage you acknowledge you have read and understood this before proceeding.


There is an app, “Speedcam Anywhere 2” that can be downloaded to use.  The content is then submitted to Operation Snap. The app charges £14.99 for 100 recordings which can then be passed across to the police.

(Please take note of the GDPR alert highlighted above)


For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section or email 

Abberley has a vacancy to co-opt a Parish Councillor onto Abberley Parish Council

Please see the form linked below.

Please return your completed form, together with the completed Co-option Eligibility Form to:

Abberley Parish Council, 1a Church Walk, Areley Kings, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire DY13 0AL
Or Email: by 5th January 2024 at 5pm

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE Co option Policy and application form

DOMESTIC RECYCLING AND WASTE – Christmas Collection Changes

Christmas Domestic Collection 2023

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor for the Parish of Abberley



 Parish of Abberley


that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council following the resignation on 1st October 2023 of Councillor Kate Andrew

If by 20th October 2024 a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors** for Abberley Parish then an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 27th December 2023 (within 60 days)

Dated: 2nd October 2023

Clerk to the Parish Council:

Carole Hirst



Returning Officer:

Andy Baldwin

The Council House

Avenue Road


WR14 3AF




Pavement parking in Abberley

’Dear Parishioners,

It is often brought to our notice that there is a problem with pavement parking in Abberley. It is misguided to think that it is helpful to park across the pavement. It may allow cars to pass unimpeded but it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for pedestrians, people with sight problems and pushchairs and prams to pass safely.

Below you will see the rules about parking as written in the Highway Code. They are advisory but extremely sensible. If it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to park on the pavement please make sure that you leave enough room for a pushchair to pass.


244 You SHOULD NOT park on a pavement
Parking on a pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs.

LAW GL(GP)A Sect 15

243 DO NOT park

– near a school entrance

– opposite or within 10 metres (32ft) of a junction

– near the brow of a hill

– where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles

– in front of an entrance to a property

– on a bend


NB DO NOT instructions are prosecutable whereas SHOULD NOT is advisory


Abberley Village Concert to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla – Abberley Village Green – Sunday 7th May 2023 at 2pm at 2pm

coronstion concert poster

Schedules roadworks about to start in Abberley – Rosedale, Abberley

Rosedale, Abberley, Worcestershire

01 May – 12 June


Roadworks, Delays possible


Traffic management: Traffic control (give & take)


Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: LB525LB525A7W-13044161B

Scheduled Roadworks – The Common – Abberley

The Common, Abberley, Worcestershire

01 May – 15 May


Delays likely – Road closure


Name: The Common, Abberley


Location: The Common


Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Worcestershire County Council


Current status: Planned


The Common, Abberley, Worcestershire

01 May – 15 May


Roadworks, Delays likely


Traffic management: Road closure


Responsibility for works: Severn Trent Water


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: LB525A7W-13044160B

Scheduled Roadworks and diversion – B4202 Apostles Oak – Abberley


B4202 Apostles Oak, Abberley, Worcestershire

01 May – 15 May


Delays likely – Diversion route


Name: Diversion


Location: B4202 Apostles Oak


Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Worcestershire County Council


Current status: Planned

Scheduled roadworks – Abberley – for the improvement of water pipes – Severn Trent


We’re improving your supply of wonderful water…

The water pipes in the area of Abberley, Worcester have served your community well for many years but recently they’ve been showing their age. To ensure supplies are secure for the future we’re going to replace them with some new ones.

When and where is the work taking place?

The work will start on 1 May 2023, and we aim to have it complete by mid-June 2023. We will be working along Rosedale, Abberley, Worcester with work in the verge and on The Common. For our team to work safely and effectively we have agreed with the local authorities to a road closure along The Common. Access to Frontage’s within the closure and emergency access will be maintained. Please see overleaf for closure location and for diversion map.

Please bear with us

We appreciate that it can be a pain to have this work happening near you – but please be assured that we (along with our contract partner Watertight Management) will do everything we can to minimise any disruption. We’ll do our very best to keep to the above dates, but they may change due to circumstances beyond our control.

Will my water supply be affected?

If we plan to interrupt your water supply, we’ll notify you 48 hours in advance with a card stating the date and the earliest start and latest end time of the interruption. During or after the work, there’s a small chance your water may appear discoloured. This is nothing to worry about and will quickly go back to normal. For further information, please visit our website

Who do I contact about the work?

  • If you feel comfortable to do so, please speak to our team on site, who will be happy to help you where possible.
  • If not please get in touch with me on 07977592495 between Monday-Friday 08:00am – 17:00pm (please quote the project title- Rosedale, Abberley Ref: 61510727)
  • If you experience any issues with your water or sewerage service while the work is being done, please call our 24hr operations centre on 0800 783 4444.



Location of work

Working area Duration Traffic Management
Rosedale and verge 5 weeks Signs and barriers
The common 2 weeks Road Closure