Abberley Parish Council are seeking votes from the community for a new street name for the Development of 26 Properties on the land at Clows Top Road, Abberley (Walshes Farm)
Malvern Hills District Council have emailed Abberley Parish Council to request a new street name from Abberley Parish Council for the new development of 26 properties on the land at Clows Top Road, Abberley (near Abberley Parochial (VC) Primary School).
Abberley Parish Council would welcome Parishioners to choose their favourite option.
To vote you could simply email the clerk at "> stating your favourite option or write your favourite option on a slip of paper and place in a box provided in the Village Shop.
Options are:
1.Walshes Meadow
The area, now approved for development, is designated on old maps as ‘the meadow behind the house’ – the house being Walshes’ farmhouse. Since medieval times and indeed, well into the twentieth century, the land had been farmed by the Walshes; a well known and respected family in Abberley and the surrounding area.
2.School Fields
A descendant of the Walshe family, the Revd Francis Severne, Rector of Abberley, established in his will of 1828, the Abberley Charity. Its purpose was to educate a number of village boys with funds provided by income from the fields at Walshes Farm.
Votes will be counted on 31st May and a further press release will appear on the website with the result.
Could any suggestions be submitted to the Clerk to Abberley Parish Council at "> no later than 31st May 2020 for consideration at the next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 17th June at 7.30pm via ZOOM.
Please find attached location plans and a site layout with the roads highlighted.
CLICK HERE FOR Location Plan 1-4500
CLICK HERE FOR Location Plan 1-2000