Abberley Public Meeting 28th May at Abberley Village Hall at 7.30pm
Abberley Parish Public Meeting
A Meeting of the Parish of Abberley
is convened by Parish Clerk, Carole Hirst
At Abberley Village Hall, Clows Top Road
The Committee Room
On Tuesday 28th May 2019 at 7.30pm
District Councillor Paul Cumming will attend to discuss the “Reserved Matters”.
To discuss “Reserved Matters”Planning at
19/00674/RM- The Common, Abberley- Residential development of 25 dwellings, including 10 affordable units
19/00451/RM- Clows Top Road, Abberley- for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following a grant of planning permission 16/00816/OUT for the erection of 26 dwellings and access.