ALERT-Planning Application M/22/00321/OUT Land next to the Village Hall


Planning Application M/22/00321/OUT Land next to the Village Hall

 Abberley Parish Council wish to alert you to the latest planning application to develop yet another housing estate in Abberley. If allowed it will be the fourth site. As the Parish Council we will be objecting in the strongest possible terms and would ask that you write in to Malvern supporting us in this matter.  We have already objected to this site being included as a possible development site in the SWDPR (South Worcestershire Development Plan Review) and, indeed, would have done so again in the final consultations.


We do, however, have the Abberley Neighbourhood Development Plan (ANDP) which, as the latest made plan, carries a great deal of weight. Please read through so that you can evidence any objections you might make. Please let us know if we can help in any way.


We have asked for an extension of the consultation period to allow us to discuss the matter at the next Parish Council Meeting on 20th April. This would be the last opportunity for you to let us know of any objections we might not have already covered. Therefore the closing date for submissions is now 22nd April 2022.


You will find the Planning Application M/22/00321/OUT on the Malvern Hills Planning Portal. The ANDP can be found on both the Parish Website and the Malvern Hills website. There is also a hard copy at the Village Stores. This must be signed for with contact details.