Neighbourhood Development Plan Update Report September.

Abberley Neighbourhood Plan Progress Report.

Councillors Knight and Andrew met with David Clarke of MHDC to brief him on progress to date, share with him the three documents created so far and talk about next steps. This meeting flagged up the current piece of work by MHDC on village categorisation, progress by MHDC on the review of additional sites put forward in the call for sites and the need to identify green spaces within the NP. David Clarke was given copies of all three documents created to date and shared the draft design guidance with the planning officers dealing with the two SWDP sites on Abberley Common.

The final signed off version of the Housing Design Guidance was received from Aecom last week and is now on the PC web site.

Part of the display space at the 21st Sept village Ceilidh event was used to make residents aware of work done to date and next steps.

David Nicholson will be writing the first draft of the actual NP plan in October 2019.

The NP working group will be meeting on 27th November.

All Minutes from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are available on the Parish Council Website at

CLICK HERE for Abberley NDP Working Group Meeting Minutes

All documents produced for the Neighbourhood Plan to date are available on the Parish Council website at
CLICK HERE for Abberley Neighbourhood Plan Policies and Documents

A hard copy can be obtained from the Parish Clerk, 1a Church Walk, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 0AL.