OVERGROWN HEDGES AND TREES BORDERING ROADS AND PATHS Dear Parishioners, You may not be aware that there are strict rules governing the growth of trees and hedging bordering paths and […]

Here 2 Help You! Find out more about Crowdfund Worcestershire at latest online event

Here 2 Help You! Find out more about Crowdfund Worcestershire at latest online event Has lockdown given you an idea of how you could improve things for your local community? […]

Worcestershire County Council- #HandsFaceSpace Campaign

Worcestershire County Council is creating a #HandsFaceSpace video campaign to encourage people to follow social distancing rules – wash your hands regularly, wear face coverings and keep a safe distance […]

Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan FINAL REMINDER for comments. Deadline is 5pm on Monday 24th August 2020.

Residents in Abberley are being asked for their views on a draft plan for future development in their parish. The draft Abberley Neighbourhood Plan covers the period between 2020 and […]

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Malvern Hills District Council- Newsletter for Parish Councils 14th August 2020

Appointment of New Chief Executive Our Chief Executive Jack Hegarty retired on 31 July after 35 years in local government – the last 5.5 years of which were spent in […]

Calling Community Project Creators!!! £85,000 funding available!!

Crowdfund Worcestershire has been launched by Worcestershire County Council to help local organisations gain funding through the Spacehive crowdfunding platform – www.spacehive.com/movement/worcs Worcestershire County Council has a funding pot of […]

New crowdfunding initiative set to boost funding for local projects

New crowdfunding initiative set to boost funding for local projects  Charities and local organisations in Worcestershire are to get a helping hand with new projects thanks to an exciting funding […]

Advisory Video produced by Scottish Water regarding the dangers of swimming or diving in waters such as the “Blue Lagoon” at Shavers End Quarry.

We have a huge favour to ask… If you’re planning on spending time at local beauty spots like lochs, rivers or reservoirs with friends and family over the summer, please […]

Abberley Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 15th July at 7.30pm via Zoom.

Abberley Parish Council are holding their next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 15th July at 7.30pm via ZOOM. Government Legislation has changed for Parish Councils which came into force on […]