Pavement Parking in Abberley
Dear Parishioners,
It is often brought to our notice that there is a problem with pavement parking in Abberley. It is misguided to think that it is helpful to park across the pavement. It may allow cars to pass unimpeded but it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for pedestrians, people with sight problems and pushchairs and prams to pass safely.
Below you will see the rules about parking as written in the Highway Code. They are advisory but extremely sensible. If it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to park on the pavement please make sure that you leave enough room for a pushchair to pass.
244 You SHOULD NOT park on a pavement.
Parking on a pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs.
LAW GL(GP)A Sect 15
243 DO NOT park
– near a school entrance
– opposite or within 10 metres (32ft) of a junction
– near the brow of a hill
– where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
– in front of an entrance to a property
– on a bend
NB DO NOT instructions are prosecutable whereas SHOULD NOT is advisory