
Worcestershire County Council COVID-19 Update for CALC

Worcestershire County Council COVID-19 Update for CALC
3 April 2020

Organisational position
Worcestershire County Council is delivering a One Worcestershire approach. We are working alongside our colleagues in District Councils, the NHS, our MPs and with our other partners including Worcestershire’s voluntary sector organisations.

Key Messages
• Stay at home

• Observe social distancing

• Wash your hands regularly

• If you are vulnerable and have received a letter from the NHS, register for support via:

• Or call 0800 0288327, the Government’s dedicated helpline.

Key operational activities/focus/priorities
• We are working with our district council colleagues and with the voluntary sector to build a picture of community action in order to establish if any of the Shielded Cohort are slipping through the net of the wider Government campaign as well as to support those others who are or who may become vulnerable

• We have managed to block purchase up to 300 hotel rooms to assist with the placing of patients who need additional support after hospital discharge

• We are working with the District Councils to provide accommodation for all those rough sleepers who will accept it
Key operational activities/focus/priorities • Through local sourcing we are providing every care setting in Worcestershire with additional supplies of hand sanitiser

• All adult care services remain covered but Nursing Homes are coming under pressure. Overall, there is still enough capacity in Domiciliary Care and we continue to block purchase domiciliary care from the private sector.

• In a single day this week 150 new enquiries were received through the here2help website with a further 140 calls taken through our Adult Social Care Access Centre.
Key operational activities/focus/priorities

• Schools across Worcestershire are preparing to open during Easter holidays for children of critical workers and for vulnerable children

• Vouchers being issued to pupils entitled to free school meals, with most supermarkets accepting them.

• All major infrastructure projects are now shutting down in a controlled manner.

• All household waste & recycling centres are closed. District Councils are working to continue to provide refuse collections. Support is being provided when it is required.

Where can I get further information, help and advice?


There will be many vulnerable people in our community who will have to self-isolate. This site will provide a central location for the vulnerable that are unable to seek help from family, friends and neighbours. You can request help, volunteer to help and find useful resources.
Want to help/volunteer or need assistance

Where can I get further information, help and advice?

County Council website for Coronavirus information

NHS Website for information on Coronavirus


Plea from Local Farmer re-Lambing

Plea from a local farmer

We are just about to commence our busiest period of the year, lambing, which will last for the next 4 weeks or so – we have ewes lambing both indoors and outdoors, and inevitably will be checking these animals at regular intervals. The land has several footpaths crossing it and of course we have to go through the gates on these paths on a daily basis. Ideally we would prefer people to stay at home, but if they do use a footpath could they please wear disposable gloves to minimise the risk of potentially leaving virus on the surface ?

We are working around the clock for the next month (to maintain food supplies to the population), and our priority as a family must be to avoid contracting the virus which would inevitably put us under extreme pressure during such a hectic period.

On the same note, with many dog owners in the village now at home and probably exercising their animals more frequently than usual (?), could they ensure the dogs remain on a lead under control when in the proximity of livestock.

If we can all show some consideration and compassion to others during this period, hopefully this lockdown will not be sustained any longer than absolutely necessary.

Thanks, in anticipation

Local Farmer.


MHDC advice update regarding Coronavirus- 27th March 2020

Please see links below to download more information.


CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Coronavirus resources for social prescribing (2)

Affected services

Our waste and recycling collections continue to operate as normal thanks to the dedication of our depot team.
To support this, we have stopped taking bulky waste collections until further notice.
We are offering businesses the opportunity to suspend their commercial and recycling collections to support them.
We are asking people on social media not to carry out house, garage or shed clearances unless they can store the waste for a period of time. The Household Recycling Centres are currently closed as it is classed as non-essential travel and we cannot accept side waste, as it would overwhelm our standard service.
The full list of affected services is available at<>

Social distancing rules

Police are now enforcing social distancing rules. In the first instance they will attempt to do this by consent but have the power to fine people if they refuse to comply.
We have already received reports of people gathering in our play areas and have worked with police to disperse them.
To report breaches of social distancing rules the police have asked people to use the online 101 reporting service.

Community Response Update

Many thanks for letting us know all the fantastic things you’ve been doing within your communities.
Changes are being made to the Worcestershire Here 2 Help campaign we mentioned to you in the last update and it will be more widely promoted from next week.
The Here2Help website provides a central location for those members of the community that do not need urgent help and are unable to seek help from family, friends and neighbours.

There are two forms people can fill in on the main website
I need help – this is to support those who have nowhere else to turn for help with things such as collecting shopping or medicines, walking their dog etc. It is not intended as a service for those who already receive Adult Social Care help or who can ask family, friends or neighbours for help or are already linked with a community group in their area.

Tell us how you can help – for those who can offer assistance through volunteering, delivering essentials etc Anyone unable to complete the form online, can phone 01905 768053 where someone will be able to help you fill in the online form. This number can be used Monday to Sunday between 8am and 8pm.

Once people register for help, they will receive an email notification confirming their request has been received.

Requests for help will be responded to within 24 hours and someone will discuss with them in more detail their needs and what support can be offered.

Anyone who offers help may have their details passed on to a local volunteer or community group to help mobilise support needed.

Residents who have received a letter from the NHS asking them to self-isolate for 12 weeks and are deemed extremely vulnerable, can also use this number to request help with care, medicine and support with daily living.

Worcestershire County Council is responding to requests and has received more than 70 appeals for help since it went live on Monday evening, all with varying needs but most centre upon food supplies or medication collections. They will track the type of concerns which are coming through so they can ramp up that response and identify gaps in support.
If you know of any volunteers, groups or organisations who are offering help please ask them to fill in the offer of help form.

NHS Volunteering
The NHS call for a volunteer army has had over 500,000 responses. We are waiting to hear about how this army links with the here2help scheme. The current advice from County Council is to promote and register for both:

Health & Wellbeing / Welfare Checks
Attached is a Mind Wellness checklist and social prescribing coronavirus resources which you may find useful to share with relevant people.
In addition to this Malvern Hills District Council is putting on weekly challenges linking to physical activity and wellbeing on our YouTube channel –
These can also be found on our Malvern Hills Facebook page –

As you will appreciate the current situation is moving swiftly. We will continue to update you as and when we have more information.

Ian Dipple
Joint Marketing and Communications Manager Malvern Hills District Council and Wychavon District Council Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore, WR10 1PT

Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board – advice and information on self-isolating

Groups within the parish are being encouraged to register your efforts on the Worcestershire ‘Here to Help’ website at: to help us see what is going on in local parishes during this pandemic.

There are two parts of the website one to register if you are offering help and one if you are asking for it.

Having organisations register on this site will help match individual needs to local help but also importantly give vital intelligence regarding any unmet individual needs and potentially support organisations to develop their local ‘offer’ to meet the needs of our communities.

WSAB Safeguarding adults info for self-isolating

COVID 19: Police and Crime Commissioner- Working together to beat the virus

COVID-19: Working together to beat the virus
The Coronavirus is a concern for us all across West Mercia and during these uncertain times we must work together to ease the situation. We all have our part to play and there are many ways to offer support to our communities’ most vulnerable whilst ensuring personal safety. I have seen communities come together throughout Worcestershire to provide services such as collecting prescriptions, shopping or even offering phone calls to ensure those most vulnerable are still cared for and not lonely. As Commissioner I would encourage you all to keep safe and listen to guidelines issued by the Government and local authorities but keep community spirit going and look out for each other.

More information about offering support across Worcestershire can be found here:

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion

Newsletter from MHDC “How we are responding to the Coronavirus Outbreak”


How we are responding to the coronavirus outbreak MHDC

Stay at home: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection – GOV.UK

COVID-19: Five steps to look after yourself and others

Please see below banner and poster for Five steps to look after yourself and others COVID 19

COVID-19: Five steps to look after yourself and others BANNER

COVID-19: Five steps to look after yourself and others POSTER

Cancellation of Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 18th March 2020

Cancellation of Parish Council Meetings

Following advice from Worcestershire CALC, Abberley Parish Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday 18th March has been cancelled due to restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus.
The Government advises that everyone implement what is termed social distancing with those who are over 70 and those who would normally get the flu jab to be particularly stringent in observing this advice. Social distancing includes avoiding large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces such as pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs, Village Halls and Council meeting rooms.

Until we are informed by the Government that it is safe to do so, the Parish Council will be managing their business without formal meetings. This is in line with guidance provided by Worcestershire CALC.

Parishioners should check the Parish Council website and contact the Parish Clerk with any matter over which they have a concern or make written representation.

We apologise for this inconvenience at this time.


Carole Hirst

Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer.